A Feather for a Mountain

Today – was the first day since defeating Nogoya the Ancient, that Jonell felt like himself again. He never expected the battle to deplete him so much. Hell – he never expected to face off with a rival as fearsome so soon after receiving his wings.
Since the battle, with all the chaos and necessity within his camp demanding his attention – he simply didn’t have the opportunity to commit to his daily rituals. These rituals are the source of his power and vitality and if neglected for too long – would leave him vulnerable to the enemies that dwell both within and without.
Now that he had a moment to himself, Jonell allowed his mighty unconscious to explore the great needs that weighed on his heart while sitting under a tree nearby. He took a deep conscious breath through the nose and released the need for control upon the exhale. His awareness focused on the expansion and contraction of the diaphragm. His mind drifted into stillness.
A few moments later…
– he was quickened to a desolate and thirsty land. He could see crops withering under an unforgiving sun, an ox panting heavily as a farmer cursed the sky.
“Give us Rain Damn You! Rain!
Yet there was not a cloud in sight. There was no breeze to carry them over. There was only an unrelenting burn from an unforgiving sun scorching the earth.
Jonell received his wings and sword only a few weeks prior and was still discovering the power that dwelled within him. “I wonder” – he uttered in deep thought.
He closed his eyes and pushed mightily against the earth building up force. Upon release, he shot up into the sky as lightening recaptured by a cloud. As he gained enough height, his wings spread open, glimmering under the harsh rays of the sun.
From afar, one could see the sheer magnificence of his wings. Black as midnight on the exterior and as bright as full moon on a cloudless night on the interior. Yet what made it both terrific and terrifying was that they made absolutely no sound when in motion.
When Jonell reached a point in the sky where he could see the entire valley from above he noticed that all around there were great bodies of water to be found. A lush, green landscape surrounded this desolate and forgotten land.
“If this isn’t the strangest thing I’ve ever seen…”
It seemed that the mountain peaks surrounding the valley created a natural barrier; hindering the rain from reaching the inside. He noticed in the distance a storm brewing, heading his direction. This was just the type of storm that the cursing-farmer would need to bring life back to his homestead.
Jonell drew his sword named Kyrio…
…and focused his intention on glorious destruction. The blade began to glow fiercely and with absolute-silence; he sped towards the mountain that stood in the way of the storm; intent on destroying it.
As Jonell neared the mountain, a giant boulder came flying in his direction. With a quick maneuver and a swift stab from Kyrio, the boulder disintegrated into fine dust.
“What the hell?”
Confused – Jonell looked around to find the source of the projectile but could see nothing.
“Is there anybody there,” he yelled towards the peak, hoping to engage with whatever he may be facing.
“I aim to destroy this peak and allow the storm to pass. Speak or suffer the might I wield within!”
“You have been warned!”
As Jonell closed his eyes to focus his intention – he heard the roar of a gargantuan being.
When Jornell opened his eyes, he could see that the Mountain Peak was no mountain at all, but rather a rock-titan from the days of before death.
Shocked to find one – Jornell flew to where the sound originated from and noticed a giant face on the side of the mountain.
“Oh hi! I apologize for almost destroying you…”
“That…is…o…kay…” – Rock Titans are notoriously slow speakers.
“May I ask” – Jonell continued, “Are these other mountain peaks also Rock Titans?”
“And why on earth did you decide to block off that one valley? Can’t you see that you have cut off all water from that land?”
The Rock Titan looks over to the barren land and then back at Jonell.
“Protection?” “Who are you protecting?”
“Is the danger over now?”
“So why are you still here if you’ve done your job?”
“And so you stayed? To continue to protect?”
“Can you leave now and make way for that storm coming over there?”
“What do I have to do?”
“I’m holding you here?”
“Well fuck me ten ways to Wolk’s Day…could you please leave here?”
“My feather? You have one of my feathers?”
“But why?”
“And when I take it back…your services are complete?”
“Well, then – where is it?”
As the last words escaped his lips…

…a vision entered into his mind’s eye. He remembered a time long forgotten when he first gave the Rock Titans his feather and establishing the terms of the arrangement. They were to protect this valley – which grew some of the rarest and precious plants on the planet – from an ancient violence experienced by a younger earth.
“Your service is no longer required…thank you!” he said within his vision, reclaiming the feather. As the feather reintegrated back into his wings – the Rock Titan roared.
The Earth Trembled as the family of Titans arose from their sleep. Jonell didn’t realize how magnificent they truly were until fully risen. He could see their peaks push beyond the atmosphere of the planet. Their bodies blocking out the sun in the surrounding area – everything went pitch black.
Jonell could feel the wind on his feathers gain in intensity. He could hear a strange uttering coming from the Rock Titans, a language he was not familiar with, and as sudden as it became pitch black – the light began spilling in – The titans released their hold on themselves and turned to dust, escaping on the current of the winds, drifting into the atmosphere.
With no more obstruction, Jonell saw the storm getting closer. Within the next few hours, sweet water would fall from the heavens giving life to the sacred ground once more. Soon – those rare and wonderful fauna will revive and bring life back to the valley.

The farmer – who has been witnessing the entire ordeal and who was cowering behind his ox, fell to his knees as Jonell descended upon the farm in dead silence.
“Please! Oh Great one! I thank you..er…thee…THOU? …for this miracle…I’m not worthy!”
“What?” Jonell asked the farmer. “What are you on about?”
“I’m not worthy!” he continued groveling.
“Of course you’re worthy…you’re me you idiot…this drought is now officially over. Get ready, the rain is coming and with it – this land will grow like never before. The barriers have been removed and life will flow here once more. Now get up and go!
As the farmer stood up and ran towards his tools, Jonell closed his eyes, inhaled deeply, and as he exhaled, sighed relief. He could feel a deep peace percolate within his being.
Upon opening his eyes, he could hear two carts approaching his camp.
These carts were filled with gold, silver and assorted precious stones. He stood up and walked in their direction.
“Ahoy!” one of the cart drivers exclaimed. “Are you great hero Jonell?”
“I wouldn’t say ‘Great’ but sure…”
“Then these are for you. News have traveled far about your victory against Nogoya the Ancient and these carts full of silver, gold and jewels are a gift from the people who were plagued by her oppressive ruling.”
“This should be enough to replenish my stocks…” Jonell murmured under his voice. However, one of the drivers heard and interjected.
“More are coming! As we traveled here, we saw wagons upon wagons coming this way, filled with abundant gifts and treasures – a constant flow for years to come.
It seems that Jonell..er…you…became the hero of this land, and people felt an unwavering need to pledge their fealty by entrusting you with their riches.”
Jonell grinned because weeks had gone by with his camp barely holding on – everyone licking their wounds, spirits generally down. Nagoya The Ancient was a grueling campaign and no matter what he did invoke the necessary resources to aid in recovery; nothing changed – that is until he honored his daily rituals.
“I guess the Titans left out here too then…,” he jokingly said to one of the drivers who only responded with a blank stare and a mouthful of sand. “Never mind – you can put the carts over there and make yourselves comfortable. I’m sure everyone will be pleased to see you arrive.”
As the carts entered into the camp – cheers could be heard for even though everyone knew that there were plenty more battles to come – but for now they could enjoy some of the spoils of war. Nagoya the Ancient has been defeated and this was an occasion to celebrate..
In the far distance – Jonell could see a caravan of wagons and carts traveling in his direction – filled with more than any individual could ever hope to enjoy in a single lifetime. He knew that in a few weeks – he’ll have too much, but that “too much” would be a problem he’d be happy to deal with.
“I think I’m going to need a bigger place…,” he said to himself thinking aloud wondering what the rest of the day will reveal.
…to be continued.