What it means to Know Nothing

Throughout my life I have learned many things. I now, am trying to unlearn them them all. Our impressionable minds cling to information, desperately trying to make “sense of it all”. However, if we all were truly honest with ourselves we would realize that in reality, We Know Nothing! Regardless of your belief system, regardless […]
The Struggle of the Creatives
#HelloEarthlings, I know I haven’t written in a while, mostly because I’m trying to finish my book The Jobless Guide to Money Making which is now reaching the final chapters. The amount of resources I’m jam packing into this book will give anyone the ability to “Go Jobless” and make a living doing what they love. […]
Why do people fight?
I personally believe this is a question that has plagued many for centuries. “Why do people fight?” Why do we covet the resources of neighboring countries? Why is that that Christians, Jews and all the thousands of set ideologies can’t just get along? Why even go so global. Why is it that our differences, even […]
The Mystic | Blog

The Mystic: Blog Every now and then a Mystic steps into the midst of humanity. We know them as Jesus, Buddha , Mohammed and so on and it is because of these Mystics that our life radically changes. How many people have killed or taken their own lives merely based on the words of these individuals? While I myself […]