The Road to Artistry EP 5 – Being in the Business of YOU

In today’s Episode of “The Road to Artistry” we talk about being in the business of You! Listen to the Full Episode!
The Road to Artistry EP 4 – How to Survive the Grind as an Artist!

In this Episode of The Road to Journey, we are talking about ‘How to not Die as an Artist in the Daily Grind’. Listen Now!
A Case Study of My Greatest Failure as an Artist

Ah, Failure – The Great Teacher! They say that you only truly fail when you give up on what you’re trying to achieve. I think I agree with that statement. The rest of the ‘failures’ are merely lessons on ‘how not to do things’. When you fail…and you will; it’s not the end of the […]
The Road to Artistry – Pilot Episode

The Road to Artistry is a podcast focusing on helping artists achieve a sustainable life using their art as a product. This pilot episode sets the tone.
What it means to Know Nothing

Throughout my life I have learned many things. I now, am trying to unlearn them them all. Our impressionable minds cling to information, desperately trying to make “sense of it all”. However, if we all were truly honest with ourselves we would realize that in reality, We Know Nothing! Regardless of your belief system, regardless […]
Small Changes can Lead to Big Results

We all have that special project lodged deep into our souls we always “want to do” but never get time to actually do it. Whether it’s writing a book, creating a painting, a business, a trip or whatever puts a smile on your face, big results are ever eluded. This past December I asked myself the […]
Free Reading Books: New Author Strategies
Some people decide they want to become an author, others are born authors. For me, the latter rings true. Since I could remember I have been fascinated by the art of story telling. However, getting your content ‘out into the public’ can be a challenge. Within this “Freemium” world, Free Reading Books can be one […]
Why “Rock Bottom” is a Great Teacher
“I’ve hit Rock Bottom!” We say this as if it’s a bad thing and based on our current circumstances, it most certainly is for your “present self”. However, the lowest point of your current reality doesn’t necessarily have to be a ‘bad thing.’ Over the past year I have experience many turmoils that happened in my […]
Re-connecting with Base Passions
For some people, there is a constant battle between being “creative” and balancing the rest of your life. This “creative struggle” is something that many talented people face everyday, people who have the desire to do art and express the ideas that are bouncing around in their heads through artistic means. Yet “art” doesn’t pay […]
Dig Deeper for Honesty – #7dayFast (Day 4)
Hey Folks, Finally got some time to write about my fasting experience yesterday. Most of my cravings are gone and I have managed to do some phenomenal work on my Digital Product which I entitled: “The KCC Method – Instantly become a Thought Leader in Any Niche”. I will now start with the next part […]