We often look at successful people and wonder, “How did they do it?” How do you adopt the mind of a billionaire or cultivate the discipline of an Olympian Gymnast? What does it take to flow as freely as Jimi Hendrix on the guitar or generate world-changing ideas like Elon Musk?
What if there was a way that you could gain instant access to all the knowledge, experiences and personal insight from the greatest minds of our times? What if you could download those experiences and integrate it into your own life – creating new and exciting opportunities for personal growth.
If you’re looking for that – you’ve come to the right place. Deep Trance Identification is an amazing tool that allows you to go beyond traditional change-work techniques by unlocking the amazing potential of your subconscious through simple visualization exercises anyone can do.
The subconscious mind is incredibly powerful and with Deep Trance Identification, you’ll learn to unlock neurological processes that allow you to access unique states of consciousness and gain valuable skills, abilities and insights that can greatly benefit your personal development in a real and meaningful way.
It’s a form of accelerated learning where you harness the experience and wisdom of ‘others’ or Avatars – whether alive or dead, fictional or non-corporeal.
Deep Trance Identification allows you to activate a part of the subconscious through generative trance and enables you to access archetypal fields of consciousness filled with unlimited resources to re-incorporate back into your life.
Are you ready for some good news? You’re already a Master at DTI – you just don’t know it yet. This short article aims to give you a brief overview to understand the basics needed to activate your infinite potential and accelerate positive change in your life.
Unlocking the Secret to Deliberate Growth

Most people go through life trying to generate positive change through conscious effort. They use sheer will power and an unrelenting discipline to inch their way closer to their ideal situation.
However, trying to do it all “consciously” is a lot of work; significant and lasting change can only happen when you turn off the subconscious-autopilot and use it to accelerate your learning processes.
When you leave your subconscious on autopilot – it’s like having access to the world’s most powerful supercomputer capable of generating hyper-realistic simulations – but only using it to write emails and sometimes play Solitaire.
The Secret behind Deep Trance Identification is that it allows you to take control over the mechanics of the subconscious and configure it in such a way that it creates a personalized experience by modeling the life of an Avatar possessing the skills, abilities or insights you need to overcome a particular challenge in your life.
For example – if you’re having trouble losing weight you can tap into a version of your future-self that has already achieved your goal and ask for advice, tips and tricks for accelerated weight loss.
Or perhaps you need to gain more confidence for an upcoming sales meeting – a DTI experience with Dale Carnegie or Zig Ziglar might gift you with the secret knowledge and pro tips to help woo your clients all the way to the bank. The options are limitless.
Many people are unaware of the true potential of their subconscious mind – their sleeping ally. DTI allows you to wake up a powerful and ancient way of accelerated learning and apply it to your life effortlessly.
Are you ready to discover the secret of deliberate change? More importantly – are you ready to experience the consequences of unlocking your full-potential? Are you ready to become the best version of you?
Do you need to be some Hypno-wizard to DTi?
Fortunately for you – DTI is something you are naturally good at. In fact, you have been practicing DTI since you were a child.
Can you remember when you were a kid and ‘pretended’ to be a super hero, or soldier, doctor, teacher, monster? You may not remember now, but the experience of ‘being’ the ‘pretend-characters’ had an immense neurological impact by activating a special group of neurons called “Mirror-Neurons”.
I won’t get too much into these neurons do, but all you need to understand is that these activate when ‘you see or do a particular action’.
For example, when someone experiences joy, your mirror neurons flare up and on a unconscious level – you share the joyous occasion. Similarly, when you experience fear or excitement, the same happens.
It is what allows us to ‘connect and experience’ the world around us.
Fortunately, DTI is something that is your biological birthright as a mammal – and while as a kid you might have been an expert, you may have substituted this ‘form of learning’ for a more analytical or logical means – as promoted by most educational institutions.

While I personally don’t teach DTI [yet] I do incorporate them into my breathwork sessions – especially when practitioners aims to experience non-ordinary states of consciousness. My goal with this article is to simply provide a basic understanding of what DTI is and how to do it. However, if you’d like to have a more robust and serious session [or sessions] – feel free to reach out to me and we can get to work.
When will I be ready to DTI on Command?

The truth is you can DTI on command right now – except in most cases your experiences will be superficial. This is due to a variety of factors including your “psychic censor” or the inability to suspend disbelief. However – when you practice and understand the dynamics you can learn how to increase the potency of the DTI experience as well as configure it for specific benefits related to specific situations in your life.
What’s more – true mastery of Deep Trance Identification gives the practitioner the ability to DTI while they are in conversations with people, giving courses or even making sales calls. You can learn to give permission to your subconscious to play a heavier role in your personal development – to become an active player in your success.
Can you imagine discovering new and amazing ways to overcome the challenges you are facing by shifting your awareness into a more resourceful state capable of dealing with all of your problems at hand? Can you imagine achieving this with a simple ‘snap of your finger’?
Making Space for Lasting Positive Change

Setting is important if you want to have a significant DTI experience. While it’s true that everyone has the natural ability to DTI – the magnitude of your experience requires accessing deeper states of trance. It’s not impossible to obtain these states in a busy café – for example – but with all the distractions and the noise it may detract from the experience itself.
In the beginning, I recommend you to set aside time and space to allow yourself to easily enter into a deep trance state. This means that you’ll consciously make a commitment to turn off all distractions such as phones and focus intently on the work ahead. Framing it as “Important Work” helps prepare the mind.
At first – you’ll need to become comfortable with the experience and after a few encounters – it will be much simpler to achieve. Over time and with deliberate practice you’ll be able to DTI in different situations at different degrees of intensity – custom built for your particular scenario; irrespective of where you are.
Imagine how different it would be if you had Jeff Besos’ ability to deconstruct products, processes and ideas when writing out your business plan or channel the confidence and charm of Barack Obama when you need to speak publicly? DTI gives you access to all of this and much more. To essentially tap into their archetypal-fields and bring it to your own life.
The Basic DTI Experience Explained
The process of DTI is very simple. Below is a quick overview of the steps involved in the DTI experience. One you see this – you’ll understand the basic principle behind the experience if by now it hasn’t been entirely clear.
Below are the steps of the Basic DTI Experience. Please note that this is just one of the ways you can DTI, there are many different techniques or “streams” all leading to the experience, however, this seems to be the “most straightforward” path that is easily understood by most people.
The Basic DTI Model

- Choose/Design your DTI Model
- Enter into a Trance State
- Interview and Establish the Objective of the DTI with the Model
- Float out of your body [shifting awareness] and into the body of your DTI model
- Experience your DTI model in various situations and experiences through generative trance
- Float out of the body of your DTI model taking with you all the experiences of accelerated learning with you
- Integrate back into your own body – enriched with the specific skills and experiences obtained
As mentioned – there are many different ways to DTI and for many different purposes whether you want to learn a new skill, heal from a past trauma, overcome limiting beliefs and emotional hardships – or simply explore the furthest regions of your own consciousness – DTI is an essential tool to enhance the way you experience personal development and consciousness trance-formation
The Endless Possibilities of DTI

Deep Trance Identification has virtually limitless potential in that you can shape and reconfigure the experience in any way you need, access resources and experiences and enhance your life significantly.
Over time – you can be proficient enough to continue your personal DTI development and Master it but like any skill, deliberate practice is necessary. The more you practice, the more effective & easier it becomes over time.
DTI is not about “quick fixes” – but to activate an ancient and very powerful ability within your subconscious mind; drastically accelerating your learning and personal development. A secret weapon to achieve accelerated growth and personal development.
If you’re truly interested in learning this technique or simply experiencing it – you can reach out to me and I’d be more than happy to go deeper into the fundamentals of DTI and incorporate it with a few Transpersonal Breathwork Sessions.

– The Beheaded Jester –